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What your Madison zip code says about you?


Our favorite community meeting place, for all segments alike. | Photo by 608today team

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Want to know if you are an Enterprising Professional or In Style?

You can discover what your neighborhood trends say about you with Esri’s interactive Tapestry map. The tech company analyzes zip code data to define the characteristics of individuals in neighborhoods using a process called segmentation.

Here’s how it works.

This tool sorts areas into 67 unique categories, or segments, based on demographics and socioeconomic characteristics such as age, income + population — aka, it tells us generally who we are and what we have in common with our neighbors.

Input zip codes or click around the map to explore segments that best describe a particular area. In most cases, the results show the top three segments that define a neighborhood.


Segment us however you’d like, we just love the tapestry that is Madison. | Photo by juliabocchese

Madison’s tapestry

  • 53703 — the zip code that comprises downtown Madison — the Isthmus — is largely defined as Metro Renters (educated, highly mobile 30-somethings who enjoy cocktail bars, Badgers’ games + the Dane County Farmers’ Market).
  • Fitchburg’s 53711 zip code indicates that 36.95% of residents are classified as In Style — urbanites with more infrastructure to support travel, the arts + patronizing local businesses.
  • In the suburb of Verona, a mix of Urban Chic, Enterprising Professionals + Workday Drive comprise nearly 60% of the tapestry segmentation.
  • The Monona area — 53716 — is over one-third Parks and Rec. These families enjoy the amenities of a quieter neighborhood with good public schools + small-town eateries.
  • 53562 — the zip code for Middleton — is primarily In Style + Emerald City. Together the two demographics favor current trends and culture, plus a passion for adventure in eating, travel, and entertainment.

Outside of the segmentation tool, you can do a deeper dive into trending habits based on zip code, right down to shopping preferences + credit card debt.

Ready to explore your own 608 neighborhood? Check out the map and let us know below if the tool has your personality and lifestyle pegged. Then, keep reading for more real estate content (i.e. 5 new neighborhoods + build updates coming to 608). 👀