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How you can help hungry Madisonians

Volunteer with Healthy Food For All at local farmers’ markets.

Colorful vegetables on a farmers market table

Find fresh produce, farm-raised meat, and other goodies at local farmers’ markets. | Photo by 608today

Healthy Food For All (HFFA) is a Madison-based nonprofit that distributes high-quality, fresh food to low-income neighborhoods.

Supporting HFFA’s mission can be as easy as visiting a local farmers’ market.

Farmers’ market programs

Buy One For a Neighbor
This program, launched last week, asks shoppers to purchase extra produce at local farmers’ markets to be donated. The goods will be distributed after the markets close. Can’t make it to the market? Donate to the GoFundMe instead.

Glean Food
After Saturday Dane County Farmers’ Markets, volunteers meet at the East Washington entrance of Capitol Square to collect surplus food from vendors who would rather donate it than compost it. To get involved, fill out the volunteer form.