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Madison’s Metro Transit network redesign


East + West Washington will be heavily affected areas by these changes. | Photo by @bestcoastmichelle

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Following two years of research + public hearings, Madison City Council approved the Metro Transit network redesign — an overhaul to public transportation offering more consistent service + better access to outlying areas around the city beginning in June 2023.

Between the MTNR, BRT, and Metro Forward, there’s a lot of change coming to 608 transit. And we’re just trying to get a ride across town.

Wait, what did we vote on?

On Wed., June 8 around 1 a.m., city council voted to pass a redesign of the Metro system to address inequities in access to transit services. As part of Mayor Rhodes-Conway’s Metro Forward>> plan, the Network Redesign is the first phase of a four-step initiative to increase the quality of transportation in Madison over the next two years.

What does this look like for commuters?

  • Transit routes will begin to service 66% of low-income areas, offering access to 15-minute bus lines within walking distance — over double the current service area (around 32%).
  • This will create more job access, offering a 28% increase in accessible opportunities for members of affected communities.
  • The redesign is also the first step in implementing the Bus Rapid Transit System coming to Madison in 2024 — a higher quality, more efficient, and faster bus route + system.
Screen Shot 2022-06-08 at 1.53.08 PM

Network amendments map via Transportation Policy and Planning Board. | Map via City of Madison

Who’s picking up the bill for this?

The funding for the Network Redesign will come in part from a $6.4 million grant to Madison Metro Transit, in addition to $1.94 million coming from the cities of Madison, Fitchburg, and Middleton (pending approval of those municipalities). The grant money will not only support these projects, but will also focus on investing in green technologies to reduce 608’s carbon footprint.

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