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Madison, WI ranks high on safest cities list

Let us know your thoughts on the 13th safest city in the country.

The most populated cities in the country have been ranked based on the home + community, natural disaster, and financial safety of each destination. Madison landed high on the charts in the No. 13 spot out of the 182 cities evaluated.

Source: WalletHub

What do you think?
The following are questions regarding a city’s safety posed by WalletHub to a panel of experts:

  1. What steps should local authorities take to help reduce the public costs associated with cleanups after major natural disasters?
  2. What measures can police departments take to increase public trust? How important is it to have a police force that is representative of the local community?
  3. What can consumers do to increase their financial literacy?

We want to ask our panel of experts (you) their thoughts on these questions as they pertain to Madison. Shoot us an email today letting us know what you think about our ranking + these questions, you might see your response in a future newsletter.