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Cranksgiving in Madison


Previous Cranksgiving event in Madison | Photo by @bethskogen

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This Thanksgiving, Black Saddle Bike Shop is partnering with the Goodman Center for the annual + nationwide Cranksgiving event. Riders with Black Saddle will ride around Madison and collect needed food supplies for The Goodman Center’s Thanksgiving Basket Drive.

What is Cranksgiving?

Cranksgiving is a national event that combines bike riding and giving back. It’s a mix of a scavenger hunt, food drive, and bike ride. You’ll get a list of food items + grocery stores, and then you’ll have a set amount of time to ride to as many of the stores to collect as many of the food items as you can.

I’m interested, how can I get involved in Madison?

You can pick up your Cranksgiving manifest at the Black Saddle Bike Shop — 601 N. Sherman Ave. — from Mon., Nov. 15 through Sat., Nov. 20 during business hours or on the day of the event, Sun., Nov. 21, between 9-10 a.m. Your manifest will have scavenger hunt details that include what you need to pick up + where to get each item. The grocery stores on your scavenger hunt will be expecting you.

What should I bring?

When you roll up to start your Cranksgiving collection, you should bring a bike, a bag, a lock, your mask, and about $25 to $35 to buy food. After you’ve picked up all your items, ride over and drop off your items at the Goodman Center, 149 Waubesa Street.

What are the rules?

  • You must purchase the item(s) on your manifest at the specific stores listed, unless it’s sold out.
  • You must put the receipt for your items in the envelope with your manifest.
  • You may drop items at the Goodman Center at any point during the “race”.

What will I get if I participate?

Everyone who participates and picks up a manifest will get a Free Slice Card for Ian’s Pizza + $5 dollars off Flat Fix Labor at Black Saddle Bike Shop.