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Pothole season descends onto Madison

From why they happen to how to get them fixed, we’re giving you the 411 on potholes in Madison.

Pothole up close

It’s pothole season in Madison. | Photo via Canva Pro

Potholes are an infamously inevitable occurrence in Wisconsin. Here is the 411 on potholes with the help of Madison’s Pothole Patrol.

Why: The repetitive process of freezing and thawing causes moisture to gradually wear down the road foundation, leading to pavement stress. This stress, exacerbated by traffic, ultimately results in the formation of potholes.

When: Spring in Madison is prime time for potholes. Drastic cold-to-warm temperature changes result in the highest amount of pavement stress compared to other seasons.

Where: Concrete roads are most susceptible to potholes. Expansion joints create a gap allowing the concrete to expand and contract as the temperature changes. As these joints deteriorate over time, potholes prevail.

Who: The Streets Division is responsible for filling potholes. Roads with major issues may require resurfacing which is handled by the Engineering Division.

What you can do: If you spot a problematic pothole that needs attention, report it online.