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Madison ranks high for pedestrian-friendly infrastructure

Looking at pedestrian fatality statistics, Madison is a national leader according to Smart Growth America and the National Complete Street Coalition.

Flock to State road mural

Flock to State is a trial-run pedestrian mall on State Street. | Photo by 608today

Madison walks the walk. Out of the largest 101 metropolitan areas in the US, Madison ranked as the No. 2 safest city for pedestrians.

Some current pedestrian-focused projects in Madison include:

Flock to State | Stretching from Gorham Street to Hawthorne Court, the pedestrian mall experiment is a six-month trial that will explore the potential of State Street as a car-free public space.

Madison LakeWay | Formerly known as the Lake Monona Waterfront Waterfront Redesign, the 37-acre linear waterfront park will feature a Community Causeway dedicated to bike and pedestrian use. Construction will start in 2026.

Vision Zero | The City is in the process of implementing infrastructure to keep school zones and high-traffic areas safer. Think: Speed humps, pedestrian islands, and rapid flashing beacons.

Some areas of focus for Vision Zero projects include:

  • East High School
  • South Whitney Way at South Hill Drive
  • Leopold Elementary
  • Odana Road