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City Editor Ally’s 3 favorite Madison news stories from 2023

Take a look at some of our favorite stories we brought you in 2023 — and learn about how you can keep them coming by supporting 608today with the gift of your membership.

City Edit Ally with the Madison skyline in the background.

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Photo by 608today

It’s hard to believe it’s almost a wrap on 2023 — and what a year it’s been. We’ve been privileged enough to bring you incredible Madison news stories straight to your inbox.

Check out some of City Editor Ally’s favorites:

We’re asking for your support to bring you even more stories like these next year.
We’re passionate about our approach to local news. In 2024, you can depend on us for newsletters free of divisive political content. Instead, we’ll deepen your Madison roots, celebrate our city, and tell you ways to get involved with our community.

Joining our membership club is a powerful way to support our mission and keep our free newsletters hitting your inbox. Join and support us today.