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Madison is rising with the sun

Local solar power initiatives are brightening the 608 every day.

Solar panels on a roof with the Wisconsin State Capitol building in the background.jpeg

Solar panels are on the roof the Madison Public Library’s central branch. | Photo via City of Madison

The City of Madison has set a goal of reaching 100% renewable energy with net zero carbon emissions for city operations by 2030 and community-wide by 2050.

With the recent goings-on regarding solar energy, the area is on its way.

City of Madison

Madison reached a solar energy milestone this week, hitting 2 megawatts on city properties with solar panel systems.

There are now more than 6,200 panels on city facilities (pro tip: you can find them via the city’s solar locator). To put it in perspective, the energy they generate could power 237 homes per year.

The City aims to install one megawatt of solar per year through 2030.

Dane County

Meanwhile, Dane County Executive Joe Parisi has requested proposals to develop the Verona Landfill into a solar energy site.

The plan for the landfill, currently generating electricity from methane, is to bring solar energy to the Badger Prairie Campus in Verona, with the potential to serve as a community solar site for Dane County residents in the future.


The state recently received $124 million from the federal government to help people put solar panels on their homes. The grants will go toward long-term solar programs for low-income and disadvantaged communities.


There are incentives, tax credits, and rebates Wisconsin homeowners have access to when installing solar panels, including:

  • Homeowners can receive up to $500, and customers in some ZIP codes may receive an additional $500.
  • Wisconsin residents don’t have to pay sales tax on their solar projects.
  • Wisconsin homeowners can take advantage of the federal investment tax credit, allowing you to claim 30% of your solar installation costs on your income taxes.

The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection offers up some guidance on if solar power is right for you.