Someone get the “Top Chef” production team on the line — the 608today subscribers have nothing but good ideas for the Madison leg of Season 21. Check out our previous “Top Chef” piece to learn more about the show and its structure.
We asked our readers what restaurants and challenges they want to see during the Madison leg of “Top Chef” Season 21, here’s what y’all have to say:
“As the capitol of Wisconsin, Madison embraces the state motto more than any other city: “Forward.” Craft a dish that propels the traditional Midwest forward.”
"[Chefs] have to make a dessert, but a beer from Young Blood Brewery has to be in it.”
“Cook a dish using Limburger cheese.”
“Bibimbap challenge with farmers market food, or something with Stella’s cheesy bread.”
“Pasture and Plenty offers something new and interesting: each week, meal kit subscribers receive one ready-to-eat meal, one frozen meal to reheat, and one kit ... coming up with meals that fit those criteria would be interesting and difficult.”
“Contestants prepare an innovative take on outdoor festival food (cheese curds, brats, pretzels) and serve at a Forward Madison FC game.”
“Cheese curds meet fish fry meets foraging for mushrooms.”
“Farmers market. 30 minutes. No meat.”
“University dining hall quickfire! Create your take on a college dining hall classic.”
“True Farm to Table, showcasing all steps of the culinary journey including the art of butchery!”
Feel free to keep the conversation going over on our Instagram, and stay tuned for more “Top Chef” updates.