Eddie, the beloved giraffe at Madison’s Henry Vilas Zoo, has arrived in Green Bay for a bit of a vacation. The zoo is beginning making plans for the construction of a new $21 million giraffe exhibit that is set to begin in the spring of 2025.
The 14-year-old was transported to Green Bay’s NEW Zoo & Adventure Park in a 13.5-ft-tall trailer, specifically designed for giraffes. Eddie wasn’t eager to leave Madison — understandable — and took his time boarding his travel trailer, causing him to arrive a day later than expected. He was greeted at his new digs by his new zoomates, Nigel and Zuri.
Eddie loves to eat sweet potatoes and Romaine lettuce, and has been a star at the Henry Vilas Zoo since his arrival in 2013. When he returns to Madison, he’ll be part of a reimagined “Edge of Africa” section. The new space will be large enough for a herd and for the zoo to start breeding efforts. See you soon, Eddie.