Getting a library card in Madison, WI

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The downtown library branch | Photo by @smiesphotography

If you’re looking to get your hands on the next NYT bestseller, make sure you have a library card ready to go. We’re breaking down how to get a Madison Public Library card especially if you’re new to the city, you’re becoming a bookworm, or yours might’ve expired.

Requirements for a card

📍 Proof of residency in Madison. A driver’s license, current lease, or checkbook with name + address will all help you secure the right to read.

🖊️ Application forms. Online forms + print forms are both available.

👪 Parents can apply for cards for their children as well. If the child is a MMSD student, they can apply without a parent’s ID. Otherwise, a valid photo ID is required.

Library cards come with...

📚 1,000+ print books

💻 Access to public computers

📘 A digital library home to 71,000+ eBooks and Audiobooks

📰 Online newspapers, magazines + research databases

🚘 Online book holds + curbside pickup

📱 Access to the Libby app for on-the-go reading

🚲 B-Cycle week passes to check out

Even if you’re already a member, remember that library cards expire every 4 years. Be sure to check the expiration date + renew if your card is a bit dusty.

Time to hit the books, Madison.

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Dayten is based in Kansas City, MO and studied sociolinguistics at Truman State University, where he was the editor-in-chief of Windfall Magazine. He loves exploring tiny towns in the Midwest, weird history, and Dungeons & Dragons.